Sunday, April 18, 2010

An open letter to educators..

As I was reading Dr. Scott McCleod's blog, I came across this video. It really is worth your 6 minutes to watch. The basic message is that if we as educators do not change with society as it is changing, society will decide that it doesn't need us. It really is food for thought. Like the young man in the video says, the fact that information today is free really does change how we are going to educate our students. What do you think?

1 comment:

Just Joan said...

Kari, I was intrigued by the "WallWisher) slide show. I'm not sure I know wxactly what it is? Is it just something you do on-line? OR, do you actually have a bulletin board in the classroom? I think it is the latter. A bulleting board I do at the beginning of each year is entiteld "Les Grandes Vacances." I invite students to bring photos from summer vacation, post them on the bulletiin board, and talk about them.