Friday, April 30, 2010

A new google tool for foreign language...

Did you read about the new google search keyboard? This looks like it will be a great help! Check out this link.

Ideas for teaching reflexive verbs....

So we're working on reflexive verbs right now in Spanish II. I've been looking for a fun way to get some good real world practice with these strutures. While I was checking my reader account, I came across this article that looked like it might have some ideas worth trying. What do you do to make reflexive verbs memorable?

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

A search for a Spanish

As I was reading through my feeds yesterday, I got really excited about an entry on a colleague's blog. She had mentioned how useful a new site is. It is called As I read through her blog, I was thinking of more and more applications of this program for my class. Then I went ahead and clicked on the link to the original blog where my colleague found this program. I read that blog entry as well. Finally at the bottom, I found a link for this intriguing program. AHHHH! It is a site designed for Latin only, not Spanish! Does anyone out there know of anything similar for Spanish? A quick Google search didn't pull up anything useful. If you know of a program/site that can do the same thing for Spanish, please share.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

The risk of fossilization in language acquisition....

I read this article tonight about the risks of fossilization in language acquisition. As I read, I was thinking, "Great. Two of the top risks my students inherit as soon as they enter my classroom!" The article talks about commonly known research that shows that once a child hits puberty, it's more difficult to learn a language. In addition, it highlights the fact that my students are going to hit a brick wall because they are learning Spanish in a classroom in Ohio instead of in a Spanish speaking country. I thought it was interesting that they also included this reason on their list: some people just can't get past their native language paradigm to learn a new one. The author also mentioned how even living in a native speaking country for decades may not help this type of person overcome the risk of fossilization. I can only hope to make my students' language learning experiences as authentic as possible!

How to say I love you in Spanish....

I found an interesting lesson on teaching students the subtle differences in language in regards to love. I think this would make an interesting mini-lesson as we're reading our novel "los ojos de carmen". Take a look, and see what you think.

Another wordchamp fan...

I was reading the blog of a friend tonight. She was sharing how much success she is having with her students and wordchamp. I started using wordchamp with my level 2 students this year. What I haven't done is share the resulting data with my students. After reading my friend's blog today, I've decided that this is a great idea. If I break down the results for my students, they will be able to see how to best use wordchamp to increase their learning. Thanks for the idea A!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

An open letter to educators..

As I was reading Dr. Scott McCleod's blog, I came across this video. It really is worth your 6 minutes to watch. The basic message is that if we as educators do not change with society as it is changing, society will decide that it doesn't need us. It really is food for thought. Like the young man in the video says, the fact that information today is free really does change how we are going to educate our students. What do you think?


I found a really interesting new tool today while I was reading my feeds. The slideshow linked below says that it is really user friendly. Has anyone out there tried wallwisher and liked it? I think I'm going to give it a try. I'll let you know what I think.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

A fun way to teach hace.....

This game looks like it might be fun for a brief review of the hace construction in Spanish. Follow this link:
This week I found a really interesting article on how the brain processes language. Did you know that the brain processes nouns and differently? Check out this article!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

A day of review

Today I am really stretching to remember all of the information that I learned this summer. It is so true that life gets so busy that it is hard to keep up with everything. I'm looking forward to spending some time today investigating how I can reincorporate these RSS feeds into my crazy schedule. Wish me luck!